Monday, April 03, 2006

Nap, Anyone?

So this is new: Today, April 3, is National Napping Day!

What brilliant genius thought of this?! To designate a day for naps on the very day after that evil Daylight Savings conspiracy took effect is just...staggeringly awesome.

And this is the SEVENTH annual Napping Day. Those folks may be brilliant, but they really need to work on their marketing. 'Cause I ain't never heard of this day before now. And believe me, I'm the first person who would want to celebrate a day honoring sleep, of all things.

Apparently, businesses are encouraged to have nap-related functions on this day, where they allow employees to settle down for a few winks. Um, why isn't my workplace in the spirit? Is anyone else's employer recognizing this holiest of days?

I mean, we're not so lucky like all those people in Europe who take siestas after lunch. We've just gotta keep on truckin' and catch bits of sleep where we can--during meetings (ahem, me in our 1.5 hour all-staff meeting today) or on the way to work (hopefully not while driving, as I am wont to do). I think we Americans deserve a nice nap once in while.

In college, I took naps on a regular basis. The feeling of settling down into my soft bed with my stomach full from lunch and soap operas still on the brain is nothing short of amazing. So satisfying.

Unfortunately, today holds no naps for me. I've got class until 9 pm and then it's home for regular old sleep. I tell myself that I'll go to bed by 10:30 or 11 at the latest, but we all know it'll be past 12 and I'll still be sitting on IM wasting away.

Ah, sleep, you nasty trickster. You continue to elude me.

Hopefully someone got a nap today. I'll let ya know when I get mine. Someday.

Oh, and P.S.: I've been popping those yellow Easter candy Peeps all day and let me tell you, they really do help with the fatigue. Sugar cures all. Even life sometimes. Cheep cheeeeeep!


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